Monday, September 28, 2009

Francois IV, Duc De La Rouchefoucauld, Le Prince De Marcillac

François VI, duc de La Rochefoucauld, le Prince de Marcilla was a prolific writer. La Rochefoucauld was a 17th Century French author, he was a buncha other things also… but he’s mostly known for his proverbial statements, his maxims. By today’s standards, I guess we’d refer to them as 1-liners, except they were profound and vastly insightful on life and the human condition. Kinda like Twitter, except what he said really mattered and resonates centuries later.
I still don’t really understand Twitter. I will be honest, it’s rather ridiculous. I even tried retiring for bit, but then realized that in my line of work I kinda have to do things like that. Annoying. I hate Tweeting product updates or anything related to The Hundreds, I feel like a smarmy salesman. I hate sharing my personal life online, I’m barely interested in whatever I’m doing at the moment, so I’d be surprised if anyone else cared about it. So if you’re 1 of my 10,000 Followers, I’m sure you’ve gotten used to my bad jokes and occasionally, the poor attempt to be La Rochefoucauldian. I apologize.

Here’re some of La Rochefoucauld’s greatest hits (in my opinion):

“True love is like a ghost: everyone speaks of it, but few have seen it. ”

“Passion often renders the most clever man a fool, and even sometimes renders the most foolish man clever.”

“We should often be ashamed of our very best actions if the world only saw the motives that caused them. ”

“Quarrels would not last long if the fault was only on one side.”

“We promise according to our hopes; we fulfill according to our fears”

“The power that the women we love have over us is greater than that which we have over ourselves.”

“Most people judge men only by success or by fortune.”

“The head cannot play the part of the heart for long.”

“True love can not be found where it does not truly exist, nor can it be hidden where it truly does.”

La Rochefoucauld had many great literary works, but MAXIMES is his most recognized. You can buy it off Amazon HERE.

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