Monday, May 25, 2009

Review of "Girlfriend Expirience"

Entertainment Weekly gives it an A:

Shot during the early days of the economic crisis, The Girlfriend Experience is a mysterious and arresting look at how the culture of money turns love and desire into something you want to control. The escort, Chelsea, is played by Sasha Grey, a real-life adult-video star who is not so much a natural actress as a natural-born placid, affectless Barbie doll (imagine Eliot Spitzer consort 
Ashley Dupré with a touch of Demi Moore).

The Boston Globe is also positive:

The dark joke of “The Girlfriend Experience” is that to be alive in early-21st-century America is to be a hustler, and to be a hustler is to be both maxed out and hooked on the dream. Not exactly a new idea (nor does it pretend to be), but the shoe fits. Chelsea’s customers are upscale professional men – slick Euro financiers, neurotic screenwriters, everyone but Eliot Spitzer – and they talk to her of job pressures and economic woes. Whatever this movie is, it’s not a turn-on; the sex, when we see it, feels perfunctory, as if these men don’t want to admit they’re actually paying for therapy.

New York is two ways about it, recognizing its merits but ultimately distracted by its failings:

It’s a desperate limbo—everyone is selling, few are buying. But most of the dialogue is listless, and no matter how much Soderbergh snips and stitches, the movie is a corpse with twitching limbs. It’s rare to watch actors who appear to be improvising (badly) and yet manage so often to step on one another’s lines. The suspense is minuscule: Will Chelsea find love with a client she barely knows or be dashed against the rocks? (Three guesses.)

And finally, another ambivalent, two-star review in Orlando Weekly:

“With her flat affect, lack of culture and utter refusal to engage, Chelsea couldn’t even dazzle the likes of Forrest F*cking Gump.” It’s a damaging review for Chelsea, but the problem is that it’s true about Grey herself, even more so than Chelsea. Grey is less convincing as her character than most porn stars are at faking orgasm.

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